As the air grows colder and the roads begin to freeze, it may become harder and harder to protect your home. Cold can be detrimental to certain aspects of your home, so it is important to take the correct measures to protect your home and everyone inside.
Add Insulation
If you have the means, it can help to add extra insulation to your home. This helps keep out the cold and trap heat inside. This should also help in lowering your electric bill, as it will keep your home warmer.
Let Faucets Drip
Another way to protect your home from the cold is to keep the pipes running through your home safe by letting them drip. After you take a shower or wash your hands, let the faucet drip to maintain circulation and keep the pipes from growing dormant and stiff. Burst pipes cause some of the largest amounts of damage to homes during the winter, which is why it is important to keep an eye on them. Also make sure they are not compromised before it gets too cold by having them inspected.
Update Your Thermostat
If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, you should consider upgrading or purchasing one. Programmable thermostats can allow you to conserve temperature at night and notify you about unusually low temperatures or frozen pipes.
Upgrade Energy Appliances
If you have old appliances, they could be using up unnecessary energy. Upgrading old appliances can save you money and conserve energy to keep your home warm and safe when it’s cold outside.
Seal Your Windows and Doors
Heat is often lost through the cracks of doors and windows. Sealing these can keep out the cold and prevent cracking and other damages to your windowpanes and door frames.
Trim Branches Away from the Home
The heavy weight of sleet and snow can often cause tree branches to bow and break, which can then fall on the home’s roof. This can cause significant damage to your roof and windows. Overall, maintain the outside of your home to reduce possible damage from hail, snow, and sleet.
Keep Emergency Kits Handy
In case an accident does occur, make sure to keep emergency kits ready. It is recommended that these kits include a first aid kit, a flashlight, a radio, extra batteries and anything else you believe you may need in case of a snow in or accident.
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