There are many obvious factors that may influence your car insurance rates, such as your driving record and credit score. However, there are other factors influencing your rate that may come as a surprise. 
Your gender may be influencing your car insurance rates to an extent. While it may not have as big of an impact on your rates as your age, it can still affect how much you pay for car insurance. On average, men pay more for car insurance than women. This is because women are statistically more likely to be involved in an accident or participate in dangerous driving habits, such as speeding.
However, this changes depending on your age. Males under the age of 25 tend to pay significantly more for car insurance than women under 35 years of age. Women over the age of 25 may pay more than men over the age of 25 by around 1%.
Your Marital Status
Believe it or not, your marital status can affect how much you pay for car insurance. Unmarried individuals on average pay more for car insurance than married couples. This is especially true for newly divorced or widowed drivers. Drivers who are recently divorced or widowed could see a rise in their insurance rates.
The reason behind this is that insurance companies view married people as driving more responsibly then unmarried people. Although the statistical difference between married and unmarried drivers involved in accidents may be small, this is still a factor that is taken into consideration.
How Long You Stay with an Insurer
The amount of time you spend with an insurance provider can actually affect how much you pay. Auto insurance rates tend to fluctuate year to year regardless of your personal influences, simply because of the changing market and changes that may occur within the insurance company itself. This means that you could slowly pay more and more for car insurance over the years you stay with your insurer. When searching for car insurance, it is important to compare quotes and benefits available to you. Many insurance providers offer loyalty discounts to combat raising prices.
Crime Rate
This is one of the more commonly known factors that influence your car insurance rates. While location is often used as a blanket statement when it comes to things that change the cost of your car insurance, this is not only because of your state. It is also because of the type of area you live in.
Keep in mind that insurance rates are primarily calculated on how likely you are to file a claim. The more likely you are to file a car insurance claim, the more you may pay for car insurance. If you live in an area with a high rate of crime, this increases the likelihood of filing a theft or vandalism claim on your auto insurance policy.
Whether You Own a Home or Not
Owning a home is a large responsibility and one that may pay off when it comes to car insurance. On average, renters will pay more for car insurance than homeowners. The reason for this is unclear, but may have to do with the fact that many insurance providers offer bundles for home and auto insurance to clients who own homes, which helps save money on both policies.
Your Education Level
In some cases, your education level can also influence how much you pay for car insurance. You may pay less for auto insurance if you have a higher education level. This can not only apply to education, but career choices, as well. Drivers with certain professional careers or college degrees tend to save money on car insurance in comparison to other drivers. Occupations that may save you money on car insurance may include nurses, pilots, scientists, teachers and accountants.
Replacement and Repair Costs for Your Vehicle
Most drivers know that the value of their vehicle affects the cost of their insurance rates. This is in part because of how expensive it is to repair or replace your vehicle’s parts. If you have a newer car, repairs may be more expensive. But this also can apply to older cars with expensive or unique parts that can be difficult to find. Make sure to take this into consideration when looking for a vehicle to insure. Even if you don’t file a claim, you could have trouble repairing or replacing your vehicle’s parts out of pocket.
No matter what is influencing your rates, be sure to speak with your insurance agent about ways you can save money, including possible discounts you may qualify for. If you think you are paying too much for your car insurance, be sure to compare quotes between insurers and shop around for the best price without sacrificing the coverage you need.