You left a coffee cup on the top of your vehicle. Or, you may feel the need to wedge something too large into the trunk. As you drive, the item falls out. It strikes another driver. There is damage. What happens to you? 
Auto insurance may help cover some of these costs. It is important to know what type of coverage you have. Your car insurance may help protect other people from losing money due to your mistake. Here is what you need to know.
Liability Protection May Apply
Your auto insurance will likely include liability insurance. This insurance protects other drivers from negligence or mistakes you may cause. In the case above, it may help pay for the cracked windshield of the driver behind you. It may help cover any type of medical bills the injured party faces. This only applies to the damage caused by you.
Keep in mind there are limitations. Policies only cover up to the amount of your coverage. If the damage is more than this, you may face financial settlements outside of your auto insurance.
Damage to Your Items and Vehicle
It is also essential to know there are limitations elsewhere. Car insurance does not generally cover losses to items like this. For example, if a big screen TV falls out of the back of your pickup truck, your auto insurance is not likely to pay for a new TV. If you lose something attached to the car, such as the bumper, then your comprehensive auto insurance may help. In this case, your collision insurance may also help cover the loss.
What to Do if You Are in an Accident
If you find yourself in this type of situation, first pull over. Pick up any item you lost. You do not want to put anyone else at risk. If someone does suffer loss, report it to the police. And, then, call your auto insurance provider. He or she will help determine what type of coverage you have. In some situations, you may not have any protection for your valuables. However, you should have liability protection to cover other drivers.
Of course, you will want to avoid these types of car insurance claims when possible. You do not want to put others at risk. Being a safe driver can also keep your rates lower.
Also Read: Does Auto Insurance Cover the Car or the Driver?